
An up and coming sire.

Connor Image

Semen price

Excl VAT: € 1050.00


+ Frozen Courier & Health Papers

Excl VAT: €175.00


Casall Caretino Caletto
Kira XVII Lavall I
Korrada s Cor Da La Bryere Rantzau xx
Soleil Capitol I

Terms- €1050 +VAT for unlimited attempts frozen semen on one named mare in one breeding season, if the mare is certified not in foal by the end of September €700 +VAT will be refunded.

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About- Connor is a big-framed stallion with a strong back, and  long and correct legs. Connor is coming into to the limelight as a sire and attracting the breeders’ attention through his offspring. His son Conner JEI and Martin Fuchs provide publicity for Connor on a regular basis with top placings on the international scene.

Performance- At six- and seven-year-old, Connor had numerous wins in young horse classes and jumping classes up to S level,
The two of them have teamed up excellently and have wins and placings at 1.45m level, for example at the Fontainebleau, Maubeuge, and Bonheiden shows.

Sire- Connor's sire Casall is a high-profile international performance sire considered one of the top achieving international sport horses of his time. His offspring, for example Austria with Kent Farrington, Caillou with Karl Cook (USA), Ariso under Jordan Coyle (IRL), Caracas with Jos Verloy (BEL), Casallvano under Daniel Deusser or Wunschkind with Eric van der Vleuten (NED) underline his exceptional ability to pass on quality.

Damline- Connor’s dam is a full sister to the licensed stallion Corrado I, successfully shown at international level by Bo Kristoffersen and Franke Sloothaak from 1991 to 1997, gaining grand prix wins.  Corrado I succeeded in establishing a sire line of his own in Holstein and went on to produce international top horses like Corrada, Cosima, Think Twice, Clinton and Corradina.

Progeny- As Connor’s sons and daughters continue to prove themselves on the international sport scene, they are putting their sire on the radar. Top performers like Conner JEI, Charmie, and Connor are by Connor.
He has already produced twelve state premium mares and nineteen licensed sons, including Chubakko, a stallion successfully shown by Christian Kukuk, Connect, as well as the premium stallions Christer and Coruscant.

More Details

Chilled/Frozen Frozen
Stud Holsteiner Verband
Approved For AES
WFFS Status Clear
Studbook HOLST
Year of Birth 2006
Colour Dark Brown
Height 171
% Thoroughbred 54.1
